FAQ其の1 (これは2016年の講演会時にドクターマセソンから答えて頂いた質問です)
What is the proper use of topical corticosteroids (TCS)?
It is an interesting coincidence that such misconceptions exist about these medications. Oral and injectable corticosteroids such as the ones we use are extremely safe medications when used properly.
They are used to control flares and reset the patient’s skin so that it can be initiated on or returned to a maintenance program. The reason they are safe in our hands is that they are never used on a continuous basis but only for short period of time and never long enough to suppress the adrenal gland. They are never used for maintenance but only for rescue or controlling rebound.
The topical corticosteroids we use are moderate or mild strength. The one exception is a strong product used in tiny amounts for hands. They are used in intermittent intervals and never continuously. Problems with these products arise when used continuously or when strong topical steroids are used. This can lead to many complications including adrenal suppression, cataracts, stretch marks, permanent thinning of the skin, rebound, and progressively worsening atopy.
Our patients are instructed in the safe and effective use of the topical products and the oral and injectable medications are only under the direction of myself.
A problem we are seeing in Japanese patients more frequently is adrenal suppression from long term low dose Prednisone prescribed by Japanese doctors.
Also of interest, is a study in JAAD examining possible effect of intramuscular TAC such as we use when patients arrive in US on the Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.
Two injections 6 weeks apart resulted in no secondary adrenal insufficiency in any patients.
(Reddy S et al. A prospective observational study evaluating hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis alteration and efficacy of intramuscular triamcinolone acetonide for steroid-responsive dermatologic disease. J Am Acad Dermatol 2013 Mar 29; [e-pub ahead of print]. (
I have no idea why this is happening, but it is the completely wrong way too use this medication. It is of virtually no benefit and only causes problems for the patients. It requires longer stays in the US and typically requires months to safely reduce the dose and gradually withdraw from the medication.
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